出版時間:2006-12 出版社:Springer-Verlag New York Inc 作者:Vogt, Paul (EDT)/ Sugita, Yuuya (EDT)/ Tuci, Elio (EDT)/ Nehaniv, Chrystopher (EDT) 頁數(shù):236
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PrivDoz Dr.-Ing. Christian U. Grosse, born 1961, studied Geophysics at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and earned his Ph.D. in 1996 in Civil Engineering at the University of Stuttgart followed by his Habilitation in 2005 at the same place. He is University lecturer (Privatdozent) at the University of Stuttgart and head of the Department of "Non-destructive testing and monitoring techniques" at the Material Testing Institute MPA, University of Stuttgart. Currently, he has published more than 180 scientific papers at international journals and conferences. His research interest include the application and development of non-destructive testing methods (ultrasound, acoustic emission, impact-echo, vibration and modal analysis, Radar, optical methods) as well as structural health monitoring using wireless sensor networks.
A Hybrid Model for Learning Word-Meaning MappingsCooperation, Conceptual Spaces and the Evolution of SemanticsCross-Situational Learning: A Mathematical ApproachDialog Strategy Acquisition and Its Evaluation for Efficient Learning of Word Meanings by AgentsEvolving Distributed Representations for Language with Self Organizing MapsHow Do Children Develop Syntactic Representations from What TheyHear?How Grammar Emerges to Dampen Combinatorial Search in ParsingImplementation of Biases Observed in Children's Language Development into AgentsLexicon Convergence in a Population With and Without MetacommunicationOperational Aspects of the Evolved Signalling Behaviour in a Group of Cooperating and Communicating RobotsPropositional Logic Syntax AcquisitionRobots That Learn Language: Developmental Approach to Human-Machine ConversationsSiumlating Meaning Negotiation Using Observational Language GamesSymbol Grounding Through Cumulative LearningThe Human Speechome ProjectUnify and Merge in Fluid Construction GrammarUtility for CommunicabilityAuthor Index