出版時間:2002-12 出版社:湖南文藝出版社 作者:Kranzlmuller, D.; Kranzlmuller, Dieter; Kranzlmller, Dieter 頁數(shù):462
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th European PVM/MPI Users'Group Meeting held in Linz, Austria in September/October 2002.The 50 revised full papers presented together with abstracts of 11 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers are organized in topical sections on Corss Grid, Par Sim, application using MPI and PVM, parallel algorithms using message passing, programming tools for MPI and PVM, implementations of MPI and PVM, extensions of MPI and PVM, and performance analysis and optimization.
Invited Talks High Performance Computing, Computational Grid, and Numerical Libraries Performance, Scalability, and Robustness in the Harness Metacomputing Framework Surfing the Grid - Dynamic Task Migration in the Polder Metacomputer Project Petascale Virtual Machine: Computing on 100,000 Processors MPICH2: A New Start for MPI Implementations Making Grid Computing Mainstream Process Management for Scalable Parallel Programs A Security Attack and Defense in the Grid Environment Performance Analysis: Necessity or Add-on in Grid ComputingTutorials MPI on the Grid Parallel Application Development with the Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Programming ModelSpecial Session: CrossGrid CrossGrid and Its Relatives in Europe Towards the CrossGrid Architecture Application of Component-Expert Technology for Selection of Data-Handlers in CrossGrid Training of Neural Networks: Interactive Possibilities in a Distributed Framework An Infrastructure for Grid Application Monitoring The CrossGrid Performance Analysis Tool for Interactive Grid Applications Special Session: ParSim Current Trends in Numerical Simulation for Parallel Engineering Environments Automatic Runtime Load Balancing of Dedicated Applications in Heterogeneous Environments A Contribution to Industrial Grid Computing Parallel Computing for the Simulation of 3D Free Surface Flows in Environmental Applications Testbed for Adaptive Numerical Simulations in Heterogeneous Environments Simulating Cloth Free-Form Deformation with a Beowulf ClusterApplications Using MPI and PVM Concept of a Problem Solving Environment for Flood Forecasting……Parallel Algorithms Using Message PassingProgramming Tools for MPI and PVMImplementations of MPI and PVMExtension of MPI and PVMPerformance Analysis and OptimizationAuthor Index
并行虛擬機與報文傳送接口新進展Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface PDF格式下載