智能教學(xué)系統(tǒng)/會議錄 Intelligent tutoring systems

出版時間:2002-12  出版社:1 edition (2002年7月1日)  作者:Stefano A. Cerri  頁數(shù):1016  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, ITS 2002, held in Biarritz, France, and San Sebastian, Spain, in June 2002The 93 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited papers and 16 posters were carefully reviewed and selected from 167 full paper submissions. The papers address all current issues in the interdisciplinary field of intelligent tutoring systems. The book offers topical sections on agents, architectures, Web, authoring, learning, dialogue, evaluation, narrative, and motivation and emotions.


Invited Presentation  Invited Papers    Living with Agents: From Human-Agent Teamwork to Cognitive Prostheses    Computational Humor    Large-Scale Introduction of E-learning at Universities throughout Europe    A Roadmap of Epistemic Logics for Learning Agents    ITS, Agents, BDI, and Affection: Trying to Make a Plan Come Together.Agents  Social    An Intellectual Genealogy Graph Affording a Fine Prospect of Organizational Learning    Group-Oriented Modelling Tools with Heterogeneous Semantics    Social Network Analysis Used for Modelling Collaboration in Distance Learning Groups    On the Social Rational Mirror: Learning E-commerce in a Web-Served Learning Environment  Collaboration    Including Malicious Agents into a Collaborative Learning Environment    Learning with Virtual Agents: Competition and Cooperation in AMICO    Adaptive Tutoring Processes and Mental Plans  Technologies    Architectural Patterns in Pedagogical Agents    DORIS  Pedagogical Agent in Intelligent Tutoring Systems    Developing Distributed Intelligent Learning Environment with JADE-Java Agents for Distance Education FrameworkArchitectures  Rules, Patterns, Hypermedia    A Web-Based Intelligent T~toring System Using Hybrid Rules as Its Representational Basis    Using Vector-Space Model in Adaptive Hypermedia for Learning    A System for the Specification and Development of an Environment for Distributed CSCL Scenarios    Modelling of an Adaptive Hypermedia System Based on Active Rules  Domain Oriented   Knowledge Acquisition,ReuseWebEvaluationAuthoringLearningSimulationDialogueLearning EvaluationNarrativeMotivation and EmotionsEvaluationPoster PapersAuthor Index



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