出版時(shí)間:2006-12 出版社:湖北辭書出版社 作者:Franconi, Enrico 編 頁數(shù):268
This book presents thoroughly arranged tutorial papers corresponding to lectures given by leading researchers at the Second International Summer School on Reasoning Web in Lisbon, Portugal, in September 2006. Building on the predessor school held in 2005 and published as LNCS 3564, the ten tutorial lectures presented provide competent coverage of current topics in semantic Web research and development. The lectures are organized in topical sections on semantic Web query languages; semantic Web rules and ontologies; bioinformatics and medical ontologies and industrial aspects.
Semantic Web Query Languages RDF Querying: Language Constructs and Evaluation Methods Compared Querying the Web with SPARQLSemantic Web Rules and Ontologies Composition of Rule Sets and Ontologies Reasoning with Rules and Ontologies Integrating Ontologies and Rules: Semantic and Computational Issues Business Rules in the Semantic Web, Are There Any or Are They Different?Bioinformatics and Medical Ontologies Ontologies and Text Mining as a Basis for a Semantic Web for the Life Sciences Integrating Web Resources to Model Protein Structure and Function Ontological and Practical Issues in Using a Description Logic to Represent Medical Concept Systems: Experience from GALENIndustrial Aspects The Semantic Web from an Industry PerspectiveAuthor Index