嵌入及無處不在的計算 Embedded and ubiquitous computing

出版時間:2006-12  出版社:湖北辭書出版社  作者:Xu, Cheng-Zhong 編  頁數(shù):1170  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, EUC 2006, held in Seoul, Korea in August 2006.    The 113 revised full papers presented together with 3 keynote articles were carefully reviewed and selected from over 500 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on power aware computing, security and fault tolerance, agent and distributed computing, wireless communications, real-time systems, embedded software optimization, embedded systems, multimedia and data management, mobile computing, embedded system design automation, embedded architectures, network protocols, middleware and P2P.


Keynote  On Securing Networked Real-Time Embedded Systems  Towards Self-coordinating Ubiquitous Computing Environments  Frontier of Digital Technology and Future StrategyPower Aware Computing  SAQA: Spatial and Attribute Based Query Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks  Eificent Algorithm of Energy Minimization for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network  Power-Aware Instruction Scheduling  Minimising the Energy Consumption of Real-Time Tasks with Precedence Constraints on a Single Processor  Power Aware H.264/AVC Video Player on PAC Dual-Core SoC Platform  Dynamic Repartitioning of Real-Time Schedule on a Multicore Processor for Energy EfficiencySecurity and Fault Tolerance 1  A Secure Key Agreement Scheme in Low-Energy Wireless Sensor Networks  Person-Wise Privacy Level Access Control for Personal Information Directory Services  An Efficient Computing-Checkpoint Based Coordinated Checkpoint Algorithm  A Parallel GNFS Algorithm Based on a Reliable Look-Ahead Block Lanczos Method for Integer Factorization  SPDA: A Security Protocol for Data Aggregation in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks  Efficient and User Friendly Inter-domain Device Authentication/Access Control for Home NetworksAgent and Distributed Computing 1  A Programming Model for the Automatic Construction of USN Applications Based on Nano-Qplus  Hierarchical and Dynamic Information Management Framework on Grid Computing  Kalman Filter Based Dead Reckoning Algorithm for Minimizing Network Traffic Between Mobile Nodes in Wireless GRID  A Conceptual Framework for Agent-Based Information Resource Management  Advanced Stochastic Host State Modeling to Reliable Computation in Global Computing Environment  ……Author Index



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