出版時間:2006-12 出版社:Springer-Verlag New York Inc 作者:Yli-jyra, Anssi (EDT)/ Kattunen, Lauri (EDT)/ Karhumaki, Juhani (EDT) 頁數(shù):312
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Invited Lectures Characterizations of Regularity Finnish Optimality-Theoretic ProsodyContributed Papers Partitioning Multitape Transducers Squeezing the Infinite into the Finite: Handling the OT Candidate Set with Finite State Technology A Novel Approach to Computer-Assisted Translation Based on Finite-State Transducers Finite-State Registered Automata and Their Uses in Natural Languages TAGH: A Complete Morphology for German Based on Weighted Finite State Automata Klex: A Finite-State Transducer Lexicon of Korean Longest-Match Pattern Matching with Weighted Finite State Automata Finite-State Syllabification Algorithms for Minimum Risk Chunking Collapsing ~-Loops in Weighted Finite-State Machines WFSM Auto-intersection and Join Algorithms Further Results on Syntactic Ambiguity of Internal Contextual Grammars Error-Driven Learning with Bracketing Constraints Parsing with Lexicalized Probabilistic Recursive Transition Networks Integrating a POS Tagger Finite State Machines and a Chunker Implemented as Weighted Volanschi Modelling the Semantics of Calendar Expressions as Extended Regular Expressions Using Finite State Technology in a Tool for Linguistic Exploration Erba Miige Erdo~mu~ Applying a Finite Automata Acquisition Algorithm to Named Entity Recognition Principles, Implementation Strategies, and Evaluation of a Corpus Query System On Compact Storage Models for Gazetteers German Compound Analysis with wfsc Scaling an Irish FST Morphology Engine for Use on Unrestricted Text ……Abstracts of Interatioes PrecsaminthsAbstracts of BSlofrwer DeenseAuhor Index