聚焦產品的軟件處理改進 /2006年第7屆國際會議錄 Product-focused software process improvement

出版時間:2006-12  出版社:湖北辭書出版社  作者:Mnch, Jrgen; Vierimaa, Matias; M. Nch, J. Rgen  頁數:474  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, PROFES 2006, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in June 2006.    The 26 revised full papers and 12 revised short papers presented together with 6 reports on workshops and tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers constitute a balanced mix of academic and industrial aspects; they are organized in topical sections on decision support, embedded software and system development, measurement, industrial experience, process improvement, agile development practices, and product line engineering.


Keynote Addresses  Processes and the Software Business  Controlling the Chaos of the CMMI Continuous Representation  Evidence-Based Software Engineering and Systematic Literature Reviews  Expanding the Scope of Software Product Families: Problems and Alternative ApproachesDecision Support  Defining the Process for Making Software System Modernization Decisions  Introducing Tool Support for Retrospective Analysis of Release Planning Decisions  A Qualitative Evaluation Method for Business Process ToolsEmbedded Software and System Development  An Effective Source Code Review Process for Embedded Software  Troubleshooting Large-Scale New Product Development Embedded Software Projects  Software Process Improvement with Agile Practices in a Large Telecom CompanyMeasurement  Assessing Software Product Maintainability Based on Class-Level Structural Measures  Integrating Reuse Measurement Practices into the ERP Requirements Engineering Process  Process Definition and Project Tracking in Model Driven EngineeringIndustrial Experiences  Difficulties in Establishing a Defect Management Process: A Case Study  A Case Study on the Success of Introducing General Non-construction Activities for Project Management and Planning Improvement   The Concerns of Prototypers and Their Mitigating Practices: An Industrial Case-Study  An Industrial Case Study on the Choice Between Language Customization Mechanisms  Preliminary Results from a Survey of Multimedia Development Practices in Australia  An ISO 9001:2000 Certificate and Quality Awards from Outside - What's Inside?  A Case StudyProcess ImprovementAgile Development PracticesProduct Line EngineeringShort PapersWorkshopsTutorialsAuthor Index



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