Distributed Computing IWDC 2005分布計算 IWDC 2005 /會議錄

出版時間:2006-1  出版社:Springer  作者:Pal, A.  頁數(shù):587  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Distributed Computing, IWDC 2004, held in Kharagpur, India in December 2005. The 28 revised full papers and 33 revised short papers presented together with 5 invited keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 253 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on theory of distributed computing, sensor networks, fault tolerance, optical networks, peer-to-peer networks, wireless networks, network security, grid and networks, middleware and data management, mobility management, and distributed artificial intelligence


Keynote Talk Ⅰ  Distributed Corrrdination Algorithms for Mobile Robot Swarms:New Directions and Challenges Session Ⅰ  A:Theory    Labeling Schemes for Tree Representation    Single-Bit Messages are Insufficient in the the Presence of Duplication   Safe Composition of Distributed Programs Communicating over Order-Presrving    Imperfrct Channels   Efficiently Implementing LL/SC Objects Shared by an Unknown Number of Processes   Placing a Given Number of Base Stations to Cover a Convex Region Session 1 B:Sensor Networks1   A State-Space Search Approach for Optimizing Reliability and Cost of Execution in Distributed Sensou Networks   Portocols for Sensor Networks Using COSMOS Model   CLUR-Tree for Supporting Frquent Updates of Data Stream over Sensor Networks   Optimizing Lifetiom and Routing Cost in Wireless Betworks   Multipath Source Routing in Sensor Networks Based on Route Ranking    Reliable Time Synchronization Protocol in Sensor Networks Considering Topology Changes A.K. Choubhury Memorial Lecture   The Brain, Complex Networks, and Bryond  Session Ⅱ A: Fault tolerance  Session Ⅱ B: Optical Networks  Session Ⅲ A: Peer-to-Peer Networks  Session Ⅲ B: Wireless Networks ⅠKeynote Talk Ⅱ  Session Ⅳ A: Sensor Networks Ⅱ  Session Ⅳ B: Wireless Networks ⅡKeynote Talk 3  Session Ⅴ A: Network Security  Session Ⅴ B: Grid and NetworksKeynote Talk Ⅳ  Session Ⅵ A: Middleware adn Data Management  Session Ⅵ B: Mobiltiy Management  Session Ⅶ: Distributed Articial InterlligenceAuthor Index



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