Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications - ISPA 2005 Workshops并行與分布式處理及應(yīng)用

出版時間:2005-12-20  出版社:Springer  作者:Guihai Chen 著  頁數(shù):669  


  This book constitutes the refereed joint proceedings of eight internationl workshops held in conjunction with the Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, ISPA 2005, held in Nanjing, China in November 2005 (see LNCS 3758). The 71 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 323 submissions. The papers of the eight workshops are very specific and contribute to enlarging the spectrum of the more general topics treated in the ISPA 2005 main conference. Topics addressed are applications and economics of peer-to-peer systems (AEPP 2005), advanced storage technology and autonomic distributed data (ASTD 2005), bioinformatics (BIOS 2005), grid computing in china (GCIC 2005), information assurance in distributed systems (IADS 2005), mobile ad-hoc and ubiquitous sensor networks (MASN 2005), service grid computing and applications (SGCA 2005), and Web information systems and applications (WISA 2005).


Workshop 1: International Workshop on Applications and Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems (AEPP 2005)  Aurelia: Building Locality-Preserving Overlay Network over Heterogeneous P2P Environments  On Building and Updating Distributed LSI for P2P Systems  Performing Efficient Keyword Search by Keyword Grouping in DHT Peer-to-Peer Network  Characterization of P2P File-Sharing System  Analysis of GHT in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks  Attack Vulnerability of Peer-to-Peer Networks and Cost-Effective Immunization  A P2P Market Place Based on Aggregate Signatures  Proof of Service in a Hybrid P2P Environment  Construct Optimal Diameter Network and d-partition Routing Algorithm  Decoupling Service and Feedback Trust in a Peer-to-Peer Reputation  SystemWorkshop 2: International Workshop on Advanced Storage Technology and Autonomic Distributed Data (ASTD 2005)  VTarget: An Improved Software Target Emulator for SANs  Design and Implementation of an Efficient Multipath for a SAN Environment  Research of Hot-Soot Selection Algorithm in Virtual Address Switch   An Efficient Cache Replacement Policy with Distinguishing Write Blocks from Read Blocks in Disk Arrays    An NFSv4-Based Security Scheme for NAS  Using Blocks Correlations to Improve the I/O Performance of Large Network Storage System  A Cluster LVM for SAN EnvironmentsWorkshop 3: International Workshop on Bioinformatics (BIOS 2005)  COMPACT: A Comparative Package for Clustering Assessment  Fast Sequence Similarity Computing with LCS on LARPBS  Fast Scalable Algorithm on LARPBS for Sequence Alignment  Identification, Expansion, and Disambiguation of Acronyms in Biomedical Texts  ……Workshop 4: International Workshop on Grid Computing in China(GCIC 2005)Workshop 5: International Workshop on Information Assurance in Distributed Systems(IADS 2005)Workshop 6: International Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks(MASN 2005)Workshop 7: International Workshop on Service Grid Computing and Applications(SGCA 2005)Workshop 8: International Workshop on Web Information Systems and Applications (WISA 2005)Author Index



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