出版時間:2005年11月 出版社:1 (2005年11月28日) 作者:Nicu Sebe 頁數(shù):230
The LNCS series reports state-of-the-art restilts in computer science research, development, and education, at a high lewl and in both printed and electronic form. Enjoying tight cooperation with the R&D community, with numerous individuals, as wetl as with prestigious organizations andsocieties, LNCS has grown into the most comprehensiye computer science research forum available. The scope of LNCS, including its subseries LNAI and LNBI, spans the whole range 0f computer science ard information technology including interdisciplinary topics in a vatety of application fields. The type of materia! published traditionatly includes -proceedings-(published:in time for the lrespective conference) -post-proceedings (consisting of thorodghly revised final full papers) -research monographs (which may be based on outstanding PhD work,research projects, technical reports, etc.)
Multimodal Human Computer Interaction: A SurveyTracking Tracking Body Parts of Multiple People for Multi-person Multimodal Interface Articulated Body Tracking Using Dynamic Belief Propagation Recover Human Pose from Monocular Image Under Weak Perspective Projection A Joint System for Person Tracking and Face DetectionInterfacing Perceptive User Interface, a Generic Approach A Vision Based Game Control Method Mobile Camera-Based User InteractionEvent Detection Fast Head Tilt Detection for Human-Computer Interaction Attention Monitoring Based on Temporal Signal-Behavior Structures Action Recognition with Global Features 3D Human Action Recognition Using Spatio-temporal Motion TemplatesAugmented Reality Interactive Point-and-Click Segmentation for Object Removal in Digital Images Information Layout and Interaction Techniques on an Augmented Round Table On-Line Novel View Synthesis Capable of Handling Multiple Moving Objects.Hand and Gesture Resolving Hand over Face Occlusion Real-Time Adaptive Hand Motion Recognition Using a Sparse Bayesian Classifier Topographic Feature Mapping for Head Pose Estimation with Application to Facial Gesture Interfaces Accurate and Efficient Gesture Spotting via Pruning and Subgesture ReasoningApplications A Study of Detecting Social Interaction with Sensors in a Nursing Home Environment HMM Based Falling Person Detection Using Both Audio and Video Appearance Manifold of Facial ExpressionAuthor Index
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