Computer and Information Sciences - ISCIS 2005 計算機與信息科學(xué) - ISCIS 2005/會議錄

出版時間:2005-11  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Yolum, P.; Yolum, Pinar; Gngr, Tunga  頁數(shù):973  


  This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS 2005, held in Istanbul, Turkey in October 2005. The 92 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 491 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on computer networks, sensor and satellite networks, security and cryptography, performance evaluation, e-commerce and Web services, multiagent systems, machine learning, information retrieval and natural language processing, image and speech processing, algorithms and database systems, as well as theory of computing.


Invited Speakers  Keeping Viruses Under Control  Online Auctions: Notes on Theory, Practice, and the Role of AgentsComputer Networks  A Unified Approach to Survivability of Connection-Oriented Networks  SCTP Based Framework for Mobile Web Agent  An Agent-Based Scheme for Efficient Multicast Application in Mobile Networks  An Enhanced One Way Function Tree Rekey Protocol Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem  Admission Control for Multicast Routing with Quality of Service in Ad Hoc Networks  An Efficient On-line Job Admission Control Scheme to Guarantee Deadlines for QoS-Demanding  Applications  A Methodology of Resilient MPLS/VPN Path Management Under Multiple Link FailuresSensor and Satellite Networks  Comparison of Hyper-DAG Based Task Mapping and Scheduling  Heuristics for Wireless Sensor Networks  A Markov-Based Model to Analyze the Temporal Evolution and Lifetime of a Sensor Network  Power-Efficient Seamless Publishing and Subscribing in Wireless Sensor Networks  Group-Oriented Channel Protection for Mobile Devices in Digital Multimedia Broadcasting  IP Traffic Load Distribution in NGEO Broadband Satellite Networks - (Invited Paper)  Cross-Layer Management of Radio Resources in an Interactive DVB-RCS-Based Satellite Network - (Invited Paper)  Aggressive Back off Strategy in Congestion Management Algorithm for DBS-RCS - (Invited Paper)  TCP-Peach++: Enhancement of TCP-Peach+ for Satellite IP Networks with Asymmetrical Bandwidth and Persistent Fades - (Invited Paper)Security and Cryptography  Automatic Translation of Serial to Distributed Code Using CORBA Event Channels  Fault Tolerant and Robust Mutual Exclusion Protocol for Synchronous Distributed Systems  ……Performance EvaluationE-Commerce and Web Services Multiagent Systems Machine Learning Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing Image and Speech Processing Algorithms and Database Systems Theory of Computing Epilogue Author Index



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