Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning邏輯編程與非單調(diào)推理/會議錄

出版時間:2005-9  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Baral, C.; Baral, Chitta; Greco, Gianluigi  頁數(shù):454  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, LPNMR 2005, held in Diamante, Italy in September 2005. The 25 revised full papers, 16 revised for the system and application tracks presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected for presentation. Among the topics addressed are semantics of new and existing languages; relationships between formalisms; complexity and expressive power; LPNMR systems: development of inference algorithms and search heuristics, updates and other operations, uncertainty, and applications in planning, diagnosis, system descriptions, comparisons and evaluations; software engineering, decision making, and other domains; LPNMR languages: extensions by new logical connectives and new inference capabilities, applications in data integration and exchange systems, and methodology of representing knowledge.


Invited Papers  Nonmonotonic Reasoning in FLORA-2  Data Integration and Answer Set Programming  Halo I: A Controlled Experiment for Large Scale Knowledge Base DevelopmentASP Foundations  Unfounded Sets for Disjunctive Logic Programs with Arbitrary Aggregates  Loops: Relevant or Redundant?  Approximating Answer Sets of Unitary Lifschitz-Woo Programs  On Modular Translations and Strong EquivalenceASP Extensions  Guarded Open Answer Set Programming  External Sources of Computation for Answer Set Solvers  Answer Sets for Propositional TheoriesApplications  An ID-Logic Formalization of the Composition of Autonomous Databases  On the Local Closed-World Assumption of Data-Sources  Computing Dialectical Trees Efficiently in Possibilistic Defeasible Logic ProgrammingActions and Causations  An Approximation of Action Theories of A~ and Its Application to Conformant Planning  Game-Theoretic Reasoning About Actions in Nonmonotonic Causal Theories  Some Logical Properties of Nonmonotonic Causal Theories  Modular-g: An Elaboration Tolerant Approach to the Ramification and Qualification ProblemsAlgorithms and Computation  PLATYPUS: A Platform for Distributed Answer Set Solving  Solving Hard ASP Programs Efficiently  Mode-Directed Fixed Point Computation  Lookahead in Smodels Compared to Local Consistencies in CSPFoundationsSemanticsApplication TrackSystem TrackAuthor Index



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