Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development 基于案例推理研究與發(fā)展/會議錄

出版時間:2005-09-27  出版社:Springer  作者:Munoz-Avila,Hector,Ricci,Francesco  頁數(shù):654  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2005, held in Chicago, IL, USA, in August 2005. The 19 revised full research papers and 26 revised poster papers presented together with the abstracts of 3 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 74 submissions. The papers address all current foundational, theoretical and research aspects of case-based reasoning as well as advanced applications either with innovative commercial deployment or practical, social, environmental or economic significance.


Invited Talks  The Virtue of Reward: Performance, Reinforcement and Discovery in Case-Based Reasoning  Learning to Optimize Plan Execution in Information Agents  Cased-Based Reasoning by Human ExpertsScientific Papers  Learning to Win: Case-Based Plan Selection in a Real-Time Strategy Game  An Ensemble of Case-Based Classifiers for High-Dimensiona] Biological Domains  Language Games: Solving the Vocabulary Problem in Multi-Case-Base Reasoning  Evaluation and Monitoring of the Air-Sea Interaction Using a CBR-Agents Approach  A Comparative Analysis of Query Similarity Metrics for Community-Based Web Search  A Case-Based Approach for Indoor Location  P2P Case Retrieval with an Unspecified Ontology  Autonomous Internal Control System for Small to Medium Firms  The Application of a Case-Based Reasoning System to Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder  Reasoning with Textual Cases  Using Ensembles of Binary Case-Based Reasoners  Transfer in Visual Case-Based Problem Solving  Generating Estimates of Classification Confidence for a Case-Based Spam Filter  Improving Gene Selection in Microarray Data Analysis Using Fuzzy Patterns Inside a CBR System  CBR for State Value Function Approximation in Reinforcement Learning  Using CBR to Select Solution Strategies in Constraint Programming Case-Based Art  Supporting Conversation Variability in COBBER Using Causal Loops  Opportunities for CBR in Learning by Doing  ……Author Index



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