出版時間:2005-4 出版社:Oversea Publishing House 作者:Zhiming Liu 著 頁數(shù):562
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the First International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, ICTAC 2004. The 34 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited contributions were carefully selected from 111 submissions during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers are organized in topical sections on concurrent and distributed systems, model integration and theory unification, program reasoning and testing, verification, theories of programming and programming languages, real-time and co-design, and automata theory and logics.
Invited Speakers Software Services: Scientific or Industrial Hype? Integrating Variants of DC Challenge Challenges in Increasing Tool Support for Programming A Predicate Spatial Logic and Model Checking for Mobile ProcessesConcurrent and Distributed Systems Object Connectivity and Full Abstraction for a Concurrent Calculus of Classes Specifying Software Connectors Replicative-Distribution Rules in P Systems with Active Membranes A Generalisation of a Relational Structures Model of Concurrency A Logical Characterization of Efficiency Preorders Inherent Causal Orderings of Partial Order Scenarios Atomic Components Towards an Optimization-Based Method for Consolidating Domain Variabilities in Domain-Specific Web Services CompositionModel Integration and Theory Unification A Formal Framework for Ontology Integration Based on a Default Extension to DDL A Predicative Semantic Model for Integrating UML Models An Automatic Mapping from Statecharts to Verilog Reverse Observation Equivalence Between Labelled State Transition SystemsProgram Reasoning and Testing Minimal Spanning Set for Coverage Testing of Interactive Systems An Approach to Integration Testing Based on Data Combining Algebraic and Model-Based Test Case G Verifying OWL and ORL Ontologies in PVSVerification Symbolic and Parametric Model Checking of Discrete-Time Markov Chains Verifying Linear Duration Constraints of Timed Automata……Theories of Programming and programming LanguagesReal-Time and Co-designAutomata Theory and LogicsTutorials at ICTAC 2004Author Index
2004計算的理論方面Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC PDF格式下載