出版時間:2005-4 出版社:北京燕山出版社 作者:Hutter, Dieter; Stephan, Werner; 頁數(shù):563
By presenting state-of-the-art results in logical reasoning and formal methods in the context of artificial intelligence and AI applications, this book commemorates the 60th birthday of Jörg H. Siekmann. The 30 revised reviewed papers are written by former and current students and colleagues of Jörg Siekmann; also included is an appraisal of the scientific career of Jörg Siekmann entitled "A Portrait of a Scientist: Logics, AI, and Politics." The papers are organized in four parts on logic and deduction, applications of logic, formal methods and security, and agents and planning.
A Portrait of a Scientist: Logic, AI and PoliticsLogic and Deduction Some Reflections on Proof Transformations Rewrite and Decision Procedure Laboratory: Combining Rewriting,Satisfiability Checking, and Lemma Speculation SAT-Based Decision Procedures for Automated Reasoning:A Unifying Perspective Temporal Dynamics of Support and Attack Networks:From Argumentation to Zoology Footprints of Conditionals Time for Thinking Big in AI Solving First-Order Constraints over the Monadic Class From MKRP to ΩMEGA Decidable Variants of Higher-Order Unification Normal Natural Deduction Proofs (in Non-classical Logics) History and Future of Implicit and Inductionless Induction: Beware the Old Jade and the Zombie! The Flowering of Automated ReasoningApplications of Logics Description Logics as Ontology Languages for the Semantic Web Living Books, Automated Deduction and Other Strange Things An Essay on Sabotage and Obstruction Bridging Theorem Proving and Mathematical Knowledge Retrieval Formal Description of Natural Languages:An HPSG Grammar of Polish Psychological Validity of Schematic Proofs Natural Language Proof Explanation Why Proof Planning for Maths Education and How?Formal Methods and Security Towards MultiMedia Instruction in Safe and Secure Systems The Impact of Models in Software Development Formal Software Development in MAYA A Unification Algorithm for Analysis of Protocols with Blinded Signatures Exploiting Generic Aspects of Security Models in Formal Developments Verification Support EnvironmentAgents and PlanningAuthor Index
Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning 機械化數(shù)學(xué)推理 PDF格式下載