Fine-Tuning of RNA Functions by Modification and Editing通過(guò)修改與編輯對(duì)RNA 機(jī)能的精確調(diào)節(jié)

出版時(shí)間:2005-8  出版社:Springer Verlag  作者:Grosjean, Henri (EDT)  頁(yè)數(shù):442  


Naturally occurring RNA always contains numerous biochemically altered nucleotides. They are formed by enzymatic modification of the primary transcripts during the complex RNA maturation process designated RNA modification. A large number of enzymes catalyzing the formation of these modified nucleosides or converting one canonical base into another at the posttranscriptional level have been studied for many years, but only recently have systematic and comparative studies begun. The functions of individual enzymes and/or the modified/edited nucleosides in RNA, however, have remained largely ignored.   This book provides advance information on RNA modification, including the associated editing machinery, while offering the reader some perspective on the significance of such modifications in fine-tuning the structure and functions of mature RNA molecules and hence the ability to influence the efficiency and accuracy of genetic expression. Outstanding scientists who are actively working on RNA modification/editing processes have provided up-to-date information on these intriguing cellular processes that have been generated over the course of millions of years in all living organisms. Each review has been written and illustrated for a large audience of readers, not only specialists in the field, but also for advanced students or researchers who want to learn more about recent progress in RNA modification and editing.


Modification and editing of RNA: historical overview and important facts to remember   Henri Grosjean   Abstract   1 Short historical background     1.1 Discovery of modified nucleosides     1.2 Discovery of RNA modification enzymes     1,3 RNA editing, a new concept     1.4 Different mechanisms for RNA modification/editing     1.5 Localization and temporal order of RNA modification/editing   2 Unraveling the functions of RNA modification/editing enzymes     2.1 Need to expand the limited RNA vocabulary     2.2 Not all nucleosides in RNAs are fully modified/edited     2.3 Fine-tuning of RNA structure and function     2.4 Few modifying enzymes play a dual role in RNA maturation       3 Conclusion and further prospects: unravel biological complexity       Acknowledgements       ReferencesBiosynthesis and function of tRNA wobble modifications Tsutomu Suzuki  Abstract   1 Introduction     1.1 The wobble rule and the role of RNA modification in decoding     1.2 Modified uridines     1.3 Modified adenosine (inosine)     1.4 Modified guanosines     1.5 Modified cytidines       2 Ribonucleome analysis: systematic identification of genes involved in RNA modifications by reverse genetics methods     2.1 Non-essential RNA modifications     2.2 Essential RNA modifications       3 Biosynthesis of lysidine     3.1 Identification of an essential gene responsible for lysidine formation     3.2 In vitro lysidine synthesis by TilS     3.3 Mechanism of lysidine synthesis     3.4 Direct conversion of the amino acid specificity of tRNA"e due to the lysidine modification     3.5 The lysidine modification is essential for decoding AUA codons in vivo          3.6 Recognition of tRNAlie by TilS          3.7 Evolution of wobble modifications and genetic code assignment of AUA codon      4 Wobble modification and subcellular localization of tRNAs         4.1 Post-transcriptional modifications control the subcellular localization of RNA molecules         4.2 Role of wobble modifications in the tRNA sorting mechanism in Leishmania tarentolae      5 Mitochondrial wobble modifications and human diseases     5.1 Mitochondrial wobble modifications and the minimal decoding system     5.2 Biosynthesis of taurinomethyluridines     5.3 Role of mitochondrial tRNA-specific 2-thiouridylase (MTU 1) in the synthesis of xmSs2U     5.4 Wobble modification defects in mitochondrial diseases     5.5 Molecular pathogeneses of mitochondrial diseases       6 RNA modification disorders as a cause of human diseases       7 Conclusion and outlook     7.1 Amino acid conjugation involved in RNA modifications       Acknowledgement       ReferencesEditing and modification in trypanosomatids: the reshaping of non-codingRNAs   Mary Anne T. Rubio and Juan D. Alfonzo       Abstract       1 Introduction       2 RNA modification and trans-splicing       3 RNA editing and protein secretion       4 Role of modifications on sub-cellular localization oftRNAs       5 The story oftRNA~ in trypanosomatids: where editing meets modification       6 Concluding remarks       Acknowledgements       ReferencesTransfer RNA modifications and modifying enzymes in Saccharomycescerevisiae    Marcus J.O. Johansson and Anders S. Bystr6m       Abstract       1 Introduction       2 tRNA maturation       3 Modified nucleosides in tRNA       4 Genes required for formation of modified nucleosides in tRNA     4.1 Pseudouridine      4.2 Dihydrouridine Biosynthesis and function of 1-methyladenosine in transfer RNAThe biosynthesis and functional roles of methylated nucleosides in eukaryotic mRNARole of the 5'-cap in he biogenesis of spliceosomal snRNPsRole of a conserved pseudouridine im U2 snRNA on the structural and electrostatic features of the spliceosomal pre-mRNA branch siteMechanisms and functions of RNA-guided RNA modificationConserved rib osoma RNA modification and their putative roles in ribosome biogenesis and translationNucleotide methylations in rRNA that confer resistance to ribosome-targeting antibioticsTransational Recoding and RNA ModificationsAdenosine to inosine RNA editing in animal cellsMammalian C to U editingTransfer RNA modifications and DNA editing in HIV-1 reverse transcriptionUm34 in selenocysteine tRNA is required for the expression of stress-related selenoproteins in mammalsIndex



    Fine-Tuning of RNA Functions by Modification and Editing通過(guò)修改與編輯對(duì)RNA 機(jī)能的精確調(diào)節(jié) PDF格式下載

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