Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 說明性語言的實用問題/會議錄

出版時間:2005-3  出版社:1 (2005年3月14日)  作者:Manuel Hermenegildo  頁數(shù):267  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, PADL 2005, held in Long Beach, CA, USA in January 2005.    The 17 revised full papers presented together with the abstracts of 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 submissions. All current aspects of declarative programming are addressed including implementational issues and applications in areas such as database management, active networks, software engineering, decision support systems, and music composition.


Invited TalksBuilding the World from First Principles:Declarative Machine Descriptions and Compiler ConstructionCode CompressionPapersFunctional Framework for Sound SynthesisSpecializing Narrowing for Timetable Generation: A Case Study Character-Based Cladistics and Answer Set ProgrammingRole-Based Declarative Synchronization for Reconfigurable SystemsTowards a More Practical Hybrid Probabilistic LogicProgramming FrameworkSafe Programming with Pointers Through Stateful ViewsTowards Provably Correct Code Generationvia Horn Logical Continuation SemanticsA Provably Correct Compiler for Efficient Model Checkingof Mobile ProcessesAn Ordered Logic Program SolverImproving Memory Usage in the BEAMSolving Constraints on Sets of Spatial ObjectsDiscovery of Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets of ConstraintsUsing Hitting Set DualizationSolving Collaborative Fuzzy Agents Problems with CLP(~:D)Improved Fusion for Optimizing GenericsThe Program Inverter LRinv and Its StructureA Full Pattern-Based Paradigm for XML Query ProcessingType Class DirectivesAuthor Index



    Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 說明性語言的實用問題/會議錄 PDF格式下載

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