Combinatorial Image Analysis組合圖像分析/會議錄

出版時間:2005-2  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Klette, Reinhard; Zunic, Jovisa;  頁數(shù):760  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA 2004, held in Auckland, New Zealand, in December 2004.    The 55 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 86 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on discrete tomography, combinatorics and computational models, combinatorial algorithms, combinatorial mathematics, digital topology, digital geometry, approximation of digital sets by curves and surfaces, algebraic approaches, fuzzy image analysis, image segmentation, matching and recognition.


Discrete Tomography  Binary Matrices Under the Microscope: A Tomographical Problem  On the Reconstruction of Crystals Through Discrete Tomography  Binary Tomography by Iterating Linear Programs from Noisy ProjectionsCombinatorics and Computational Models  Hexagonal Pattern Languages  A Combinatorial Transparent Surface Modeling from Polarization Images  Integral Trees: Subtree Depth and Diameter  Supercover of Non-square and Non-cubic Grids  Calculating Distance with Neighborhood Sequences in the Hexagonal Grid  On Correcting the Unevenness of Angle Distributions Arising from Integer Ratios Lying in   Restricted Portions of the Farey PlaneCombinatorial Algorithms  Equivalence Between Regular n-G-Maps and n-Surfaces  Z-Tilings of Polyominoes and Standard Basis  Curve Tracking by Hypothesis Propagation and Voting-Based Verification  3D Topological Thinning by Identifying Non-simple Voxels  Convex Hulls in a 3-Dimensional Space  A Near-Linear Time Algorithm Using Distance Transform  Binarization of Fingerprint ImagesCombinatorial Mathematics  On Recognizable Infinite Array Languages  On the Number of Digitizations of a Disc Depending on Its Position  On the Language of Standard Discrete Planes and Surfaces  Characterization of Bijective Discretized RotationsDigital Topology  Magnification in Digital Topology  Curves, Hypersurfaces, and Good Pairs of Adjacency Relations  ……Digital Geometry Approximation of Digital Sets by Curves and Surfaces Algebraic Approaches Fuzzy Image Analysis Image Segmentation Matching and RecognitionAuthor Index



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