Technologies for E-Services 電子服務(wù)技術(shù)

出版時間:2003-11  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Benatallah, Boualem; Shan, Min-Chien;  頁數(shù):202  


This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Technologies for E-Services, TES 2003, held in Berlin, Germany, in September 2003 in conjunction with VLDB 2003.    The 16 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. Among the topics addressed are current issues on various aspects of e-services, in particular Web services, service composition, service aggregation, service integration, cooperative process control, business process modeling, DAML-S, scalable Web services, shared Web services, context-aware services, and location-based services.


On Web Services AggregationA Framework for Business Rule Driven Service CompositionContext-Aware Composition of E-servicesA Quality-Aware Approach to Web Services ProcurementTowards a Context-Aware Service DirectoryUser-Facing Web Service Development: A Case for a Product-Line ApproachA Contract Model to Deploy and Control Cooperative ProcessesA Reputation-Based Approach to Preserving Privacy in Web Services Reliable Web Service Execution and Deployment in Dynamic EnvironmentsReliable Execution Planning and Exception Handling for Business ProcessL-ToPSS-Push-Oriented Location-Based ServicesA Process and a Tool for Creating Service Descriptions Based on DAML-SMathematical Web Services:A Case Studyen Tish:An Approach to Service CompositionVarying Resource Consumption to Achieve Scalable Web ServicesA Protocol for Fast Co-allocation of Shared Web ServicesAuthor Index



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