Caillou a Special Guest (木板書)

出版時間:2002年10月1日  出版社:Chouette Editions  作者:Joceline Sanschagrin  


Book Description
Uncle Felix is coming over for dinner! Mommy and Daddy are very excited, but Caillou has never met him and is a little aprehensive. When Uncle Felix arrives, Mommy and Daddy seem interested only in their visitor, and Caillou feels left out and unimportant. It's hard for Caillou to understand why Uncle Felix gets all his parents'attention, but with time and a little help, he is soon as delighted as his parents with their guest. A Special Guest helps children overcome their insecurity they sometimes feel when faced with the arrival of a total stranger.
From the Publisher
Conceived with the help of a child psychologist, the Little Dipper books take everyday situations and present them from the child's point of view, making these appealing stories completely relevant to youngsters. Featuring vibrant illustrations, the Little Dipper series describes the intense personal feelings children have about themselves and the world around them.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 148 Width (mm) 169



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