STORIES OF FAITH 心靈雞湯 有關(guān)信仰的故事

出版時間:2008-10  作者:Canfield, Jack/ Hansen, Mark Victor/ Newmark, Amy  頁數(shù):382  


This Chicken Soup book focuses on stories of faith, hope, miracles, and devotion.  The heartfelt true stories written by regular people will amaze, inspire, and amuse readers.  Many of them are stories of prayers answered miraculously, amazing coincidences, rediscovered faith, and the serenity that comes from believing in a greater power.  The first Chicken Soup for the Soul books was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies.  Since then, more than 150 Chicken Soup titles have been published, selling more than 100 million copies.  Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the last 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors.  作者簡介:Jack Canfield is the cocreator of The Chicken Soup for the Soul® series, developing 40 New York Times bestsellers including 11 that went to #1. He is America's leading expert in creating peak performances for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, employees, and educators, who has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals the world over achieve their dreams during the last 30 years. Canfield is a popular radio and TV-talk show guest, having appeared on Oprah, Fox & Friends, CNN, and others. He is also a syndicated columnist through King Features and has a nationally syndicated radio show. He lives in Santa Barbara, California.


A Special Forewordby Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen1 God's Healing Power 1.My Network,Sarah Michel 2.Forgiven,Bernie Siegel 3.The Visit,C.J.Herrmann 4.The Healing Power of Forgiveness,Karen O’Connor 5.Medically Impossible,John M.BrileyJr,M.D. 6.We Almost Lost Her,Sonia]ones. 7.“I Am,”I Said,Shirley McCullough 8.AHeart to Give.John Patterson as told to Louise TuckerJones 9.Soaring with Eagles,Toni Fulco.2 Divine Intervention- 10.Just Two Tickets to Indy,Rick Phillips 11.Like an Angel,Naomi Follis 12.A PerfeCt Mistake,Cheryl Walterman Stewart 13.The Hand of God,Jo Stickley. 14.The Dime,Patricia S.Laye 15.Desperate Hope,Kathy Collard Miller 16.By Accident,Candace L.Calvert 17.Seed Faith Money,Patricia Lorenz. 18.Reply to Box 222B,Barbara Baumgardner. 19.Pennies from Heaven,Susan Clarkson Moorhead 20.The Tablecloth,Richard Bauman. 21.All That We Can Give,Ivy Olson3 Comfort from Heaven 22.Loft's Wish,Gwen Fosse. 23.Madeleine's Wheelbarrow,Jenny Gore Dwyer 24.Here to Stay,Brittany LynnJones. 25.Message Received,Michele Wallace Campanelli. 26.Traveling with Visitors,Claire Luna—Pinsker 27.An Unexpected Gift of Peace,Linda“pinski 28.The Message,Thomas Brown 29.A Forever Friend,Marlene King 30.A Cherished Angel.    Margie Seyfer as told to LeAnn Thieman. 31.Tommy's Tangerine Tree,Ruth Hilton Hatfield.4 Answered Prayers 32.The Band Played,Maria Nickless. 33.God Listens,DiAnn G.Mills 34.In Good Hands,Dianne E.Butts 35.How Prayer Made Me a Father Again,Richard Whetstone 36.1 Can’t Do a Thing,Sandra PicklesimerAldrich 37.Bringing It tO Pass,F(xiàn)ootball and All,Patricia Lorenz 38.Winter Morning Guest,John Edmund Haggai 39.The Piano,Carla Riehl5 The Power of Love. 40.We Are M1Jews Now,BryanAubrey. 41.On the Rocks,Dick Purnell 42.The Racking Horse,Lori Bledsoe ……6 Family7 Making a Difference8 Special Moments9 Miracles10 Celebrating LifeMORE CHICKEN SOUPWHO IS JACK CANFIELD?WHO IS MARK VICTOR HANSEN?WHO IS AMY NEWMARK?ACKNOWLEDGMENTS




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