Astronomy for Beginners天文學(xué)初階

出版時間:2008-1  作者:Becan, Jeff  頁數(shù):152  


Each year as Earth cruises through space a number of amazing and remarkable events occur. For example, like clockwork, we’ll run head-on into asteroid and cometary debris that spreads shooting stars across our skies. On occasion we’ll get to watch the disk of the Moon passing the Sun, casting its shadow upon the face of the Earth, and sometimes we’ll get to watch our own shadow as it glides across the face of the Moon. The Sun’s path will constantly change across the daytime sky, as will the stars and constellations at night. During this time, we’ll also get to watch the other majestic planets in our solar system wander the skies, as they, too, circle the Sun in this elaborate celestial dance.  Astronomy explains the patterns of the heavens, the equinoxes and the solstices, the major meteor showers, and the solar and lunar eclipses. It’s a guided tour of the solar system and beyond and explains how the way we measure time itself is intimately related to celestial phenomena. Astronomy not only helps readers become experts in space and time, it’s also a fun ride!


IntroductionChapter 1: The Big Bang  Just a Theory?  The Emergence of Matter  The Fantastic FourJ  Still in the DarkChapter 2: The Solar System  Viewing the Planets  The Search for Life on Other WorldsChapter 3: Earth, Sun, Moon  The Eah's Orbit  Kepler's Laws  Eratosthenes and the Summer Solstice  The Moon  The Harvest Moon  Solar and Lunar Eclipses  The Dragon that Devoured the Moon  The Eclipse that Saved the DayChapter 4: The Night SkY  The Myth of the  Great Bear  The Zodiac  The Celestial Sphere  Types of Stars  Magnificence!  Star Clusters and Nebulae  The Pleiades and Orion  Comets and Meteors  Comets as Prophets  GalaxiesMeaeuring Time  The Month  The Week  The Day  The AnalemmaOur Place in the CosmosAeknowledg meritsRecommended for Further ReadingIndex




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