
出版時間:2012-3  出版社:Central Compilation & Translaion Press,CPG-International-Sydney,China Classies International  作者:王文章  




Chapter OneLongshan County: Living Heart of the Tujia Brocade TraditionⅠ. Beauty from the Great MountainsⅡ. Past and Present of Tujia BrocadeⅢ. Passing on Tujia BrocadeSummaryChapter TwoYe Yucui: A Master Forged by AdversityⅠ.Tujia Brocade and I:Interview with Wang WeiyiⅡ.Ye Yucui Tells Me about Tujia BrocadeⅢ.My Aunt Ye Yucuil Came to Know,Ⅳ.Cherishing Memories of the Master WeaverSummaryrChapter ThreeⅠ.Come from Great MountainsⅠ.First Two Interviews with Ye ShuiyunⅡ.The Third Interview with Ye Shuiyun1.Ye Shuiyun and Her Aunt Ye Yucui2.Tujia Brocade Is Woven in This Way3.Arrivingin Fenghuang CountySummaryChapter FourThree Women Weavers by the Laochehe RiversideⅠ.Interview with Liu Dai'eⅡ.Interview with Liu DaiyingⅢ.Interview with Liu DaiyuSummaryChapter FiveTujia Brocade Speaks,Ⅰ.Wang Weiyi: Advancing Innovation and Networking, Merging Old Designs with NewⅡ.Tian Ming: Tujia Brocade in My Eyes,Ⅲ.Luo Bin: Perhaps the Taitazbua Design Displays a Tiger HeadⅣ Tian Danian: Innovation Is Tujia Brocade's Way UpSummaryChapter SixTujia Brocade: A Treasure ForeveiⅠ.Interviews with Liang Caifu and Wang YuncuiⅡ.Meeting Ye JuxiuⅢ.In Memory of Zhang GuangzhunⅣ.Interview with Tang HongxiangⅤ.Interview with Ye YingⅥ.Interviews with Other Tujia Brocade WeaversSummaryPostscript



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