Why Killer Products Don’T Sell - How To Run Your Company To A New Set Of Rules如何在新規(guī)則中操控你的公司

出版時間:2009-1  作者:Gotts, Ian/ Rowsell, Dominic  頁數(shù):165  


Coming from conversations with executive teams of technology companies, venture capitalists, and M&A advisers, the insights contained in Why Killer Products Don?t Sell are gold dust. First the book lays bare the claim that sales is sales is sales. It exposes the 4 very different ?Buying Cultures? and how they should be approached: Value Offered, Value Added, Value Created, and Value Captured. But it also gives a proven methodology for assessing a company?s product mix (?offering? vs ?buying culture?), and a transformation approach to optimize sales and improve competitiveness.


AcknowledgmentsForeword Introduction  What this book is about Why we wrote this book  A bar in Rotterdam  Who should read this book  How to read use this book 1: SOME KILLER PRODUCTS REALLY DON’T SELL  So many products, so few sales  Heroic failures  So firstly, what is a failure? 2: IT’S NOT HOW YOU SELL, BUT HOW CUSTOMERS BUY  Sales is sales is sales - right?  4 Buying Cultures  How does this all relate to the Geoffrey Moore’s Chasm?  WIIFM - so what exactly does this all mean to me?  How do people buy?  Momentum = getting the right people on board 3: IF THEY ARE BUYING - ARE YOU SELLING?  Choosing the correct Buying culture  Exploring the buying cultures  Different buying cultures, different operational cultures  What does a Value Captured Company feel like?  What does a Value Created Company feel like?  What does a Value Added Company look like?  What does a Value Offered Company look like? 4: THE BEST KEPT SECRET - VALUE CREATED SALES  Why Value Created  Why do some many companies get it wrong?  Vital Signs  Why is Value Created difficult?  A Value Added salesman in Value Created sales cycle  A now some good news 5: THE MAGIC OF A VALUE CREATED COMPANY  The Perfect Storm  The case for change  Management  R&D  Marketing  Sales  Delivery  Support  Safety notes 6: SO WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT IT?  CEO  CEO of Start-up  Chief Operations Officer  Sales Director  Head of M&A  Head of Marketing  Investors or VCs   Head of Innovation 7: ALWAYS CHANGE A WINNING TEAM  Can you have too much success?  So, are you performing?  Transformation - the OCA Methodology  Using the OCA Methodology  The Final Word: a Summary  Appendix  Case Study - Eden Project  Book summary - Common Approach, Uncommon Results: How adoption and delivers the results you deserve  Book summary - Crossing the Chasm & Inside the Tornado  Book summary - The Empty Raincoat: Making Sense of the Future  Book summary The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything  Leading vs lagging metrics  Running senior management workshops  Case Study - First Recovery



    Why Killer Products Don’T Sell - How To Run Your Company To A New Set Of Rules如何在新規(guī)則中操控你的公司 PDF格式下載

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