Universe: A Journey from Earth to the Edge of the Cosmos (精裝)

出版時間:2006年05月  出版社:2006-05-18 (2006年5月18日)  作者:Nicolas Cheetham  


Embark on the most astounding of odysseys, a voyage into realms not only stranger than we can imagine but also far, far more beautiful. "Universe: A Journey from Earth to the Edge of the Cosmos" leads us into a celestial panorama that extends for 130 billion trillion kilometres (80 billion trillion miles) in every direction, and allows us to explore nearly 200 of the most extraordinary astronomical views ever uncovered. Complementing these up-to-date and spectacular images are enlightening descriptions of the planets, stars, nebulae, white dwarfs, supernovae, black holes and other exotica that populate our universe. 

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