出版時間:2006-7  出版社:Chaucer Press (2006年7月6日)  作者:Susan Lawson  頁數(shù):192  


Painter, collector, diplomat, linguist and scholar, Rubens was one of the most successful and influential artists of all time. Internationally renowned and revered in his day, his immensely varied output is all too often eclipsed by his reputation as the painter par excellence of the voluptuous nude. However, this master of Baroque theatricality was acclaimed for his powerful religious altarpieces and his large-scale commissions for the courts of Europe, and could also turn his hand to small, privately executed landscapes and intimate portraits of family and friends. Putting into context Rubens’s absolutist politics and Catholic rhetoric, Lawson reveals how his painterly style and profound understanding of color, rhythm, scale and space have transcended his own times and circumstances. Anyone at all interested in painting cannot afford to overlook his legacy and Lawson suggests that the time is ripe for a fresh look at this Old Master.


SUSAN LAWSON studied Architecture at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Visual Theory at the University of East London. She is an independent writer on contemporary art and art history. Commissioning Editor in Contemporary Art and Visual Theory at I.B.Tauris Publishers, she has also edited books for publishers including Thames & Hudson and Chaucer Press.


Preface,Chronology,Introduction,CHAPTER ONE  Life and Times,CHAPTER TWO  Sex andViolence in Counter Reformation Antwerp,CHAPTER THREE  Arcadia: Portraits and Landscapes,CHAPTER FOUR  Space, Scale, Setting, Rhythm: Decorative Cycles,CHAPTER FIVE  Italy and the Antwerp Altarpieces,CHAPTER SIX  Architecture and Theatre in the Mature and Late Styles,CHAPTER SEVEN  Originality and the 'Factory',CHAPTER EIGHT  Figures, Flesh, and the 'Rubenesque',  Selected Further Reading,



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