
出版時間:2005-11-1  出版社:SETAC  作者:Rencz, Lean O'Driscoll  


"Highest-ever mercury concentrations in the blood of loons prompted this study of the wetland-dominated environment of Kejimkujik Park, Nova Scotia. The study is truly multidisciplinary, bringing together experts in chemistry, biology, remote sensing, and geographic information systems (GIS). Funded by the Toxic Substance Research Initiative (TSRI), the research examines the relative importance of atmospheric deposition, geological sources, and geochemical, biological, and photochemical processes on mercury concentration in aquatic and terrestrial systems and investigates the biogeochemical factors that control the bioavailability of mercury. Although each chapter of Mercury Cycling in a Wetland-Dominated Ecosystem describes one component of the research project, each chapter also stands alone as an individual study. A companion multimedia CD-ROM offers additional and supplemental GIS data, databases, and maps that expand the experience of the book and add value! as a teaching tool. About the Editors Nelson Oa€?Driscoll recently completed an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship at the Universite de Montr??al and now works with Environment Canada. Andy Rencz is a research scientist in the area of environmental geochemistry at the Geological Survey of Canada. David Lean is Professor of Ecotoxicology in the Department of Biology, University of Ottawa."



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