出版時間:2005-4 作者:Franck, Robert 頁數:397
Environmental concerns have regenerated interest in the use of natural fibers for a much wider variety of products, including high-tech applications such as geotextiles, and composite materials for automotive and light industry use。Covering minor as well as major fibers produced worldwide, Bast and Other Plant Fibers analyzes flax, hemp, jute, kenaf, ramie, sisal, coir, and nettle, and provides an index of fiber-yielding plants。Each chapter examining chemical and physical structure, fiber, yarn and fabric production, dying, handle and wear characteristics, economics, and environmental, health and safety issues。A comprehensive set of tables makes it easy to compare the physical and chemical characteristics of different fibers。
List of figures List of tablesAbout the editorAbout the contributorsContributor contact detailsAcknowledgements1 Overview 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Fibre prices 1.3 The Food and Agricultural Organisatio's statistics(www//FAOstat) 1.4 Comparative adta on the physical and chemical characteristics of bast and leaf fibres 1.5 Appendix:Comparative physical,chemical and morphological characteristics of certain fibres 1.6 References2 Jute 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Fibre production and early processing 2.3 Physical and chemical properties 2.4 Yarn production 2.5 Fabric producting,end-uses and specifications 2.6 Dyeing and finishing:modern developments in chemical finishing 2.7 Economic and cost considerations 2.8 Market development 2.9 Environmental considerations 2.10 Health and safety considerations 2.11 Acknowledgements 2.12 Appendices A Jute’S allied fibres:kenaK roselle and urena B Jute world fibre production C Recent developments in retting methods D Non—textile uses of jute E Jute testing instruments developed by SITRA 2.13 Bibliography 2.14 References 2.15 Glossary of terms3 Flax 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The flax plant 3.3 Physical and chemical characteristics of flax fibres 3.4 Cultivation and harvesting 3.5 Scutching 3.6 Yarn preparation and spinning 3.7 Weaving 3.8 Knitting 3.9 Fabric desizin9,bleachin9,dyeing and finishing 3.10 Apparel manufacture 3.11 Products and applications 3.12 Economic and cost considerations 3.13 Marketing 3.14 Environmental and health and safety considerations 3.15 Conclusion and future trends 3.16 Appendices A Comparison of flax fibre yield in various countries B World cotton production C Flax cultivars——textile flax varieties approved by the European Union D Relationships between different common yarn count systems E The European Union’S flax subsidy scheme(2003) F Contractual relationships between flax growers and their customers in France4 Hemp5 Ramie6 Sisal7 Coir8 Abaca9 pineapple,curaua,craua(caroa),macambira,nettle sunn hemp,Mauritius hemp and fique10 Bast and leaf fibre composite materials
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