出版時間:1998-8 出版社:English Heritage 作者:Julius Bryant 頁數(shù):102
Turner painted the English countryside at a timc when war with Napoleonic France gave new patriotiC and political meaning to historic landmarks. The age of Romanticism also saw historical novels bring castles, ruined abbeys andabandoned palaces back to lifc, rckindling forgotten associations in the Viewers' imaginations. Many of the buildings in Turner's paintings are now in the care of English Heritagc and deserve to be visited and seen afresh from such perspectives,as do thc pictures thcmsclvcs. This sclcction of his paintings,, provides a fascinating introduction for the intrepid or armchair traveller, complete with comparative photographs of the actual siteS. It rcvcals a shared scnse of'heritage' -ofwhat should bc savcd for, and as, the nation, between the artist's time and our own today. The author, Julius Btyant is Director of Museums & COllections at English Heritage
Preface and AcknowledgementsPainting the NationGazetteer Catalogue of Histo,ic Properties arranged by region. The South East The South West The Midlands and East Anglia The NorthPhotographic AcknowledgementsFurther ReadingPainting Acknowledgements
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