出版時間:2006-10 出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc 作者:Jon Hammond 頁數(shù):141
Pond Life is a straightforward, no-nonsense guide to improving the way you communicate and interact with other people. Inside you will find a totally original approach to solving many of the most frequently made communication gaffs and blunders. Pond Life will help you boost your confidence and show you how to present yourself in a way you never thought possible. Why Pond Life? Because every time you communicate, you start a ripple effect. Too often we sell ourselves short because we worry about being caught ‘on the hop’, let opportunities slip through our fingers or just plain send out the wrong signals. So come on in, the water’s warm…
About the AuthorAcknowledgementsIntroduction:Creating the Ripple EffectWhy Pond Life?1 Ponds,Streams and Muddy Water2 How Are You Unipue?3 Why Being Yourself is Key4 The What Its5 Prepare Well-Feel Good6 Deciding What You Are Going To Say7 How Are You Going To Say It?8 Going For It9 Making an I mpact10 Losing the Distractions11 The Obstacles12 Continual I mprove ment13 The Joy of Powerful CommunicationThe Pond Life D.J.Y.MapThe FutureIn Search of New PondsIndex