How to Sell Toys and Hobbies on eBay (平裝)

出版時間:2006年05月  出版社:2006-05-26 (2006年5月26日)  作者:Entrepreneur Press  


Book Description
For the first time, guides that focus on a specific eBay category
In the past few years, one radical new technology has leveled the playing field for small businesses to compete with large corporations: eBay has drastically transformed the way people sell products in this global, high-tech world. Now Entrepreneur turns its expert guidance to eBay with new Pocket Guides.
Packed with innovative, practical advice, the new Entrepreneur Pocket Guides on eBay teach you how to stand out from the crowd and make a huge profit in eBay's competitive marketplace. You’ll be privy to insider tips and techniques specific to the hottest categories on the site, including designing listings, setting prices, providing customer service, marketing, financial management, using eBay tools and resources, and more. Plus, exclusive eBay PowerSellers in each category reveal the lucrative strategies that bring them hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual sales.
In this top-five eBay category, with nearly a million items listed at any given time, it's a challenge to make any particular item stand out. This guide offers innovative ways to showcase products to maximize the number--and dollar amount--of bids.
From the Back Cover
Make a bundle selling toys
Set yourself apart in a catgory with nearly a million items for sale with this insider's guide to turning dolls into dollars. Attract both buyers who collect toys and those looking for great gifts for the kids in their lives with targeted keywords, specialized pricing strategies and hot display tips.
Whether you're a seasoned toy collector or just looking to clear out the toys in your garage, you can benefit from these exclusive tips from eBay PowerSellers specializing in toys and hobbies.
You'll get:
1.Sources and leads for the best places to buy toys and hobby supplies
2.Proven methods for identifying new toy and hobby trends
3.Insider secrets to predicting the next hot toy
4.Tricks to taking great photos of every item
5.Tips about damage or wear that affects pricing
6.Copywriting techniques that bring in droves of bidders
7.The best shipping options for fragile or rare toys
Plus: eBay PowerSellers' exclusive category tips!
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 190              Width (mm) 177



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