How to Sell Collectibles On eBay (平裝)

出版時間:2006年05月  出版社:2006-05-29 (2006年5月29日)  作者:Entrepreneur Press  


Cash In with Collectibles
Stand out from the crowd and attract high bidders with expert advice straight from eBay's top collectibles PowerSellers. Whether you're cleaning out your attic or selling a prized collection, we'll show you how to tap into eBay's biggest market--nearly 20 million people. Different from any other type of sale, selling collectibles on eBay requires a unique approach. Learn from our category-specific tips that focus on finding, appraising, pricing, presenting, selling and shipping rare merchandise.Learn how to: Select the keywords and brand names that experienced collectors search forAuthenticate your inventory so you don't get taken in by fakesShip fragile or odd-size collectibles without fear of breakagePredict the next hot trend and watch out for the end of a fadDetermine the value of your items and price them to get top dollar
Plus: eBay Powersellers' exclusive category tips!
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 192              Width (mm) 145



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