下肢磁共振影像策略MR Imaging Strategies for the Lower Extremities

出版時(shí)間:2004-10  出版社:Thieme Medical Pub  作者:Martin Breitenseher  頁(yè)數(shù):262  


The next best thing to a mentor in learning how to understand the technique and interpretation of MR imaging of the lower extremities. Features of this book include: - a double-page concept, with schemes and illustrations on the right, and explanatory text on the left; - a total of more than 1000 MR images and illustrations provide a comprehensive visual overview of the normal and pathologic musculoskeletal tissues of the lower extremities; - practice cases are included to test what one has learned from the book. When you have worked through this book you will understand why certain exams are performed; why certain protocols are used; what you actually see; what is normal, artifact or pathologic; which clinical context is involved; and what your reactions should be. This is a marvelous introduction to MR imaging of the lower extremities, and is particularly valuable for the way it integrates imaging findings with the clinical context.


1 General Science PrinciplesandTechnologyofMRI  FunctionaI Principle  Sequences  Interpretation ofMRImages  NormaI Findings  General MRI Pathology  Hemorrhage2 Musculoskeletal System  lndicatiOns for and Diagnostic Value of MRI of the  MuscuIOskeletaI System  Ligaments  Tendons  Meniscus Triangular Fibrocartilage and Labrum  Cartilage  Bone  Synovia  Muscles3  Ankle  MRI AnatomyoftheAnkle  ExaminationTechniquefortheAnkle  Ankle Ligaments  Injury to the Sinus Tarsi and Sinus Tarsi Syndrome  Distal Tibiofibular Syndesmotic Complex-  Chronic LigamentInjury。  TarsaITunnel  AchillesTendon  Tibialis PosteriorTendon  Peroneallrendons  OtherAnkleTendons  Stress Fractures ofthe Foot  OsteOchondraI Fractures  OsteOchondritisDissecans  Osteonecrosis ofthe Foot  Osteomyelitisinthe FootandAnkle  SynovialChangesintheAnkleand Foot  BoneTumors inthe Footand Ankle  SoftTissueTumorsintheFootandAnkle  SampleCasesfor Review4  Knee MRI Anatomyofthe Knee ExaminationTechniquefortheKnee Menisci AnteriorCruciate Ligament PosteriorCruciate Ligament Medial Collateral Ligament LateralCollateral Ligament Patellarand QuadricepsTendon Subluxation and Dislocation of the Patella ArticularCartilageoftheKnee BonyInjuriestothe Knee IschemicBone Disordersofthe Knee Osteomyelitisinthe Knee Bone Tumors inthe Knee Synovial Disorders ofthe Knee SampleCasesforReview5  Hip MRI Anatomy ofthe Hip ExaminationTechniqueforthe Hip Hip Fractures’ Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome Legg-CaIVe-Perthes Disease HipTumors Differential Diagnosis of Bone and  Bone Marrow Lesions Changes inthe Hip S0ftTissueTumors Sample CasesforReview subjectIndex



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