永久傷害評(píng)估指引Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment

出版時(shí)間:2000-12  出版社:Amer Medical Assn  作者:Andersson, Gunnar B. J.  頁(yè)數(shù):613  


The new Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment Fifth Edition has been the disability professional’s reference of choice for more than three decades。The new Guides Fifth Edition delivers state-of-the-discipline information you can put to practical use in your day-to-day applications immediately。Get the most current, consensus-based,scientific and clinical information from every relevant medical specialty。Enhanced coverage of chronic pain assessment and new conditions,such as HIV and latex allergy。 Major enhancements to cardiology,skin,visual,repiratory,and musculoskeletal systems。 Standardized formatting across topics makes it the most accessible Guides ever。   Major reference source for assessing and rating an individual's permanent impairment in the United States and abroad。Includes chapter outlines,boldface terms,interpretation of signs and symptoms,principles of assessment,criteria for rating permanent impairment,description of clinical procedures,and impairment evaluation summary。Previous edition: c1993。


Chapter 1  Philosophy,Purpose,and Appropriate Use of thc Guides  1.1  History     1.2  Impairment,Disability,and Handicap  1.3  The Organ System and Whole Body Approach to Impairment 1.4  Philosophy and Use of the Combined Values Chart 1.5  Incorporating Science With Clinical Judgment 1.6  Causation,Apportionment Analysis,and Aggravation   1.7  Use of the Guides 1.8  Impairment Evaluations jn Workers Compensation 1.9  Employability Determinations 1.10  Rail road and Ma ritime Workers 1.11  The Physician’s Role Based on the Ame ricans with Disabilities Act(ADA) 1.12  SummaryChapter 2  Practical Application of the Guides 2.1  Defining Impai rment Evaluations 2.2  Who Performs Impairment Evaluations? 2.3  Examiners’Roles and Responsibilities    2.4  When Are Impai rment Ratings Performed? 2.5  Rules for Evaluation 2.6  Preparing ReportsChapter 3  The Cardiovascular System:Heart and Aorta 3.1  Principles of Assessment 3.2  Vavular Heart Disease 3.3  Coronary Heart Disease  3.4  Congenital Heart Disease 3.5  Ca rdiomyopathies 3.6  PericardiaI Heart Disease 3.7  Arrhythmias   3.8  Ca rdiovascular Impai rment Evaluation SummaryChapter 4  The Cardiovascular System:Systemic and Pulmonary Arteries 4.1  Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 4.2  Diseases oftheAorta 4.3  Vascular Diseases Affecting the Extremities 4.4  Diseases of the Pulmona ry Arteries  4.5  Ca rdiovascular Impai rment Evaluation Summary    Chapter 5 The Respiratory System 5.1  Principles ofAssessment 5.2  Symptoms Associated With Respi ratory Disease        5.3  Tobacco Use and Environment Exposure Associated With Respiratory Disease 5.4  Examinations,Clinical Studies,and Other Tests for Evaluating Respiratory Disease ……Chapter6  The Digestive SystemChapter7  The Urinary and Reproductive SystemsChapter8  The SkinChapter9  The Hematopoietic SystemChapter10  The Endocrine SystemChapter11  Ear,Nose,Throat,and Related StructuresChapter12  The Visual SystemChapter13  The Central and Peripheral Nervous SystemChapter14  Mental and Behavioral DisordersChapter15  The SpineChapter16  The Upper Extremities



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