
出版時間:2003-12  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Ross MD, Edgar L.  頁數(shù):452  


This book provides concise, easily accessible, up-to-date information on pain management from one of the leading authorities in the field. The latest drug therapy is a key feature. Well written, with tables, charts, and graphs for easy access, this volume is sure to earn a spot in your coat pocket.    Provides the latest information on the management and drug therapy of infectious diseases    "Key Points" sections focus on the most important aspects of care    Attractive two-color format highlights the text    Introductory section on "What's Hot" focuses on cutting edge developments    Special focus on latest drug therapies


Preface   1  Introduction to Pain Management  2  Assessment of a Patient in Pain3  Pharmaceuticals Used in Pain Management 4  Opiate Therapy for Non-Cancer Pain5  Acute Pain Management  6  Chronic Pain Management  7  Treatment of the Difficult Chronic Pain Syndrome  8  Peripheral Neuropathy  9  Complex Regional Pain Syndromes (RSD or Causalgia)  10  Phantom Pain  11  Myofascial Pain  12  Fibromyalgia  13  Arthritis Pain  14  Acute Shingles Pain and Postherpetic Neuralgia  15  Headache Management  16  Oral-Facial Pain 17  Chest Pain 18  Back and Spine Pain  19  Chronic Abdominal Pain20  Pelvic Pain 21  Genital Pain Syndromes   22  Upper and Lower Extremity Pain Syndromes  23  HIV/AIDS Pain  24  Cancer Pain Management 25  Palliative Care  26  Procedures for Pain  Index



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