
出版時間:2005-9  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Malanga, Gerard A., M.D./ Nadler, Scott F.  頁數(shù):353  


Lavishly illustrated, this exciting new book describes all the commonly used tests and exam techniques in orthopaedics from head to foot. A review of the literature that supports these tests is also provided. Figures and photographs guide the reader in learning the proper technique for each test.


Introduction : an evidence-based approach to the musculoskeletal physical examination by Scott F. Nadler and Gerard A. Malanga  Chapter. 1  Reliability and validity of physical examinations by Larry H. Chou  7 Chapter. 2  Sensory, motor, and reflex examination by Scott F. Nadler and Luke Rigolosi and Daniel Kim and Jennifer Solomon  Chapter. 3  Physical examination of the cervical spine by Phillip Landes and Gerard A. Malanga and Scott F. Nadler and James Farmer  Chapter. 4  Physical examination of the shoulder by Jay E. Bowen and Gerard A. Malanga and Tutankhamen Pappoe and Edward McFarland Chapter. 5  Physical examination of the elbow, wrist and hand by Thomas Agesen and Scott F. Nadler and John Wrightson and Jeffrey Miller Chapter. 6  Physical examination of the lumbar spine by Jennifer Solomon and Scott F. Nadler and Joel Press  Chapter. 7  Physical examination of the sacroiliac joint by Jennifer Solomon and Scott F. Nadler and Heidi Prather  Chapter. 8  Physical examination of the hip by Brian J. Krabak and Scott J. Jarmain and Heidi Prather  Chapter. 9  Physical examination of the knee by Stephen Andrus and Gerard A. Malanga and Michael Stuart  Chapter. 10  Physical examination of the foot and ankle by Garrett S. Hyman and Jennifer Solomon and Diane Dahm



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