
出版時間:2003-4  出版社:Hanley & Belfus  作者:Chakravarthy MD PhD, Manu V.,Booth PhD, Frank W.  頁數(shù):326  


This exciting and timely volume presents the principles for the primary prevention of chronic conditions by exercise. It discusses the health consequences of inactivity, the biologic basis for the benefits of physical activity, and presents strategies for combating the sedentary-living epidemic. Packed with figures, graphs, and tables for easy access.  Presents guidelines for exercise and tips on counseling patients and encouraging them to undertake exercise programs  "Key Points" sections focus on the most important aspects of exercise  An Attractive two-color format highlights the text  "Pros" and "cons" feature delineates new and controversial issues  An introductory section on "What's Hot" focuses on the cutting-edge aspects


PrefaceSection 1:Defining the Problem 1. From Hunting and Gathering to 7-1 ls and TVs 2. Definitions 3. Genetic Considerations 4. Physical Activity Deficiency 5. Children's Health EndangeredSection 2:The Means to Action 6. Health Benefits of Physical Activity 7. Caloric Balance and Expenditure 8. Physical Activity Prescription 9. Counseling Patients About Undertaking Physical Activity 10. Management of Overweight and Obesity 11. Promotion of Routine Daily Physical ActivitySection 3:The Biological Basis for Chronic Diseases Caused by Physical Inactivity 12. Health Consequences of Physical Inactivity 13. Cardiovascular Diseases 14. Metabolic Diseases 15. Cancer 16. Aging 17. Bed Rest and Spinal Cord Injury 18. Pulmonary Diseases 19. Inflammation/Immune Dysfunction 20. Neurological Disorders 21. Musculoskeletal Disorders 22. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 23. Women's Health 24. Physiological Regulation of the Human Genome Through Physical Activity 25. Inactivity: A Fat Chance of Being Healthy! Appendix I. Intensity of Physical ActivityAppendix II. A Sample Physical Activity Prescription ChartAppendix Ill. Composition of a Low-Calorie DietIndex



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