Don't Let the Pigeon Finish This Activity Book! 別讓鴿子做練習冊

出版時間:2012-10  出版社:Perseus  作者:Willems, Mo; Willems, Mo;  


The Pigeon really, really wants to finish this activity book! But that pesky Duckling keeps getting in the way. Oh, and there's someone new on the scene causing all kinds of problems....
Follow the Bus Driver's lead as you write, color, draw, create--even build an airport!--in this fun-filled book starring the Pigeon and YOU.



    Don't Let the Pigeon Finish This Activity Book! 別讓鴿子做練習冊 PDF格式下載

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250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網 手機版
