The Eye of the Fry Cook A Story about Getting Glasses 海綿寶寶

出版時間:2009-12  出版社:Simon Spotlight  作者:David, Erica; Moore, Harry;  


SpongeBob is thrilled when he discovers Bikini Bottom's very first gourmet fry cook academy and can't wait to try out. Patrick tries to help him prepare for the audition, but SpongeBob can't seem to read any of the index cards that Patrick holds up. Finally, SpongeBob visits the eye doctor--and winds up leaving the office with a brand new pair of glasses. At first SpongeBob thinks his glasses are neat. But then he has a bad dream about them and he decides not to wear his glasses for the audition. Will SpongeBob's fear of glasses stop him from being the best chef he can be? Kids with glasses will laugh out loud as their favorite sponge shows them how cool glasses can be!



    The Eye of the Fry Cook A Story about Getting Glasses 海綿寶寶 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計2條)


  •   書的顏色很正,比國內印刷的好。
  •   適合小學以上水平,幼兒太深了。

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