出版時間:2006-5 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Hawes, Robert H., M.D. (EDT)/ Fockens, Paul, M.D. (EDT) 頁數:329
Practical coverage on "how to perform EUS" with written text describing the technique. The book's two sections help you learn to manipulate the endoscope and interpret what you see, and offer clear diagnostic guidance on each condition you may come across. Offers exquisite full-color illustrations with precise representations of Doppler and correlative endoscopy, pathology, and anatomy, to mirror what you see in practice. Follows a consistent chapter structure for quick and easy reference. Summarizes and analyzes all the evidence for each procedure in an accompanying literature table to save you time in selecting techniques. Includes a bonus CD-ROM with video demonstrations of all EUS procedures to help you understand this dynamic modality.
List of ContributorsPrefaceAcknowledgementsDedicationSection 1 - Basics of EUS 1:Principles of Ultrasound Joo l-la l-lwang, Michael B. Kimmey 2:Equipment John Meenan, Charles Vu 3:Setting up an EUS Service Ann Marie Joyce, Michael L. Kochman 4:Training and Simulators Michael K. Sanders, Douglas O. Faigel 5:Indications, Preparation, Risks, and Complications Michael J. Levy, Mark TopazianSecion 2 - Mediastinum 6:How to Perform EUS in the Esophagus and Mediastinum Robert I-t. Hawes, Paul Fockens 7:EUS in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Jouke T. Annema, Klaus F. Rabe 8:EUS in Esophageal Cancer Mohamad A. Eloubeidi 9:EUS Diagnosis of Posterior Mediastinal Masses, Lymph Nodes, and Cysts Thomas J. SavidesSection 3 - Stomach 10:How to Perform EUS in the Stomach Robert H. I-lawes, Paul Fockens 11:Submucosal Lesions Eun Young (Ann) Kim 12:EUS in Gastric Cancer Mitsuhiro Kida 13:EUS in the Evaluation of Gastric Wall Layer Abnormalities Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Other Causes Pietro Fusaroli, Giancarlo CalettiSection 4 - Pancreas and Biliary Tree 14:How to Perform EUS in the Pancreas, Bile Duct, and Liver Robert H. Hawes, Paul Fockens 15:EUS in Inflammatory Disease of the Pancreas Joseph Romagnuolo 16:EUS in Pancreatic Neoplasms John DeWitt 17:EUS in the Evaluation of Pancreatic Cysts Anne Marie Lennon, lan D. Penman 18:EUS in Bile Duct, Ampullary, and Gallbladder Lesions Bertrand Napoleon, Costas Markoglou, Christine Lefort, Gidej DurivageSection 5 - Anorectum 19:How to Perform Anorectal EUS Paul Fockens, Steve Halligan, Robert H. Hawes 20:EUS in Rectal Cancer Gavin C. Harewood 21:EUS in the Evaluation of Anal Sphincter Abnormalities Steve HalliganSection 6 - EUS-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration 22:How to Perform EUS-Guided FNA Anand V. Sahai, Promila Banerjee 23:A Cytology Primer for Endosonographers Cynthia BehlingSection 7 - Therapeutic EUS 24:Fine-Needle Injection Therapy Phuong T. Nguyen 25:EUS-Guided Drainage and Anastomosis Annette Fritscher-RavensIndex