
出版時間:2006-6  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Keane, John F. (EDT)/ Lock, James E. (EDT)/ Fyler, Donald C., M.D. (EDT)  頁數(shù):934  


The second edition of the well respected Nadas' Pediatric Cardiology includes all tools for diagnosis and management of the pediatric patient with heart disease. Both acquired and congenital heart disease are covered in this practical and accessible textbook. Therapy and surgery of the pediatric cardiac patient are covered from basics through clinical applications.  Provides quick access to understanding complex heart problemsIncludes updated information on high profile pediatric cardiology problems from a clinical perspective  Includes an index of drugs used in pediatric heart conditionsm  Features 7 new chapters including Sedation and Anesthesia; Cardiac Transplantation and Tissue Engineering; and Clinical Research.


ContributorsPrefaceSECTION 1 Historical Perspective  1A. The NADAS Years at Children's    Hospital    Jane w. Newburger and Donald C. Fyler 1B. Cardiology at Children's Hospital    Boston: Today and into the Future    James E. LockSECTION 2 Developmental Anatomy 2. Embryology     Richard Van Praagh  3. Morphologic Anatomy     Richard Van Praagh and Stella Van Praagh  4. Segmental Approach to Diagnosis     Richard Van PraaghSECTION 3 Dysmorphology  5. Dysmorphology and Genetics     Ronald V. LaeroSECTION 4 Normal Circulatory Physiology  6. Fetal and Transitional Circulation     Michael D. FreedSECTION 5 Problems Caused by Heart Disease  7. Congestive Heart Failure     Elizabeth D. Blume, Michael D. Freed, and     Steven D. Colan  8. Hypoxemia     Alexander S. Nadas' and Donald C. Fyler  9. Central Nervous System Sequelae of     Congenital Heart Disease     Jane w. Newburger  10. Pulmonary Hypertension     Mary P. MullenSECTION 6 Tools of Diagnosis  11. History, Growth, Nutrition, Physical     Examination, and Routine Laboratory     Tests     Robert L. Geggel and Donald C. Fyler  12. Electrocardiography and Introduction to     Electrophysiologic Techniques     Edward P. Walsh, Mark E. Alexander, and     Frank Ceeehin  13. Imaging Techniques: Echocardiography,     Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and     Computerized Tomography     Tal Geva and Mary E. van der Velde  14. Cardiac Catheterization     James E. Lock……SECTION 7 Allied DisciplinesSECTION 8 Acquired Heart DiseaseSECTION 9 Congenital Heart DiseaseSECTION 10 Surgical ConsiderationsSECTION 11 The FutureAppendixPrincipal Drugs Used in Pediatric CardiologyIndex



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