出版時間:2004-10 出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div 作者:Pereira, Brian J. G., M.D./ Sayegh, Mohamed H./ Blake, Peter Gerard/ Pereira, Brian J. G., M.D. (EDT)/ Sayegh, Mohamed H. (EDT)/ Blake, Peter Gerard ( 頁數(shù):889
This expanded and revised companion to "Brenner Rector's The Kidney" delivers a new bench to bedside review of the management of patients with end-stage renal disease. Leaders in the field present expert coverage on the physiologic principles and clinical applications of different methods of renal replacement therapy as well as the most recent guidelines from the National Kidney Foundation regarding dialysis. With 4 new section editors, new authors, 50 per cent more content, this new edition constitutes a sweeping revision to this popular text.
SECTION A Chronic Kidney Disease 1 Chronic kidney disease : definition and epidemiology by 2 Measurement of kidney function by 3 Diabetic kidney disease 4 Nondiabetic kidney disease 5 The role of the chronic kidney disease clinicSECTION B CVomplications of Choronic Kiney Diacease 6 Uremic toxicity 7 Anemia in chronic kidney disease 8 Renal osteodystrophy 9 Cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease 10 Management of the diabetic end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patient : dialysis and transplantation 11 Nutrition in end-stage renal disease 12 Inflammation in chronic kidney disease 13 Sleep disorders in chronic kidney disease and transplantation 14 The pediatric patient with chronic kidney disease 15 Modality options for end-stage renal disease care SECTION C Hemodialysis 16 Principles of hemodialysis 17 Vascular access 18 Biocompatibility of hemodialysis membranes 19 Reprocessing of Hemodialyzers 20 Hemodialysis Adequacy ……SECTION D Peritioneal DialysisSECTION E TransplantationSECTION F Acute Renal FailureSECTION G Economic Issues and Drug DosingINDEX