
出版時間:2005-9  出版社:Elsevier Science Health Science div  作者:Waldman, Steven D.  頁數(shù):387  


The only atlas devoted to the physical diagnosis of pain! Dr. Steven Waldman presents a clear, how-to-do-it approach to the accurate diagnosis of 300 conditions through their physical signs and symptoms. Six hundred illustrations and a bonus DVD with video-clips make every technique easy to understand and apply.    Examines the full range of conditions in the shoulder and upper extremity, elbow and forearm, wrist and hand, spine, hip, knee, ankle, and foot.  Integrates 100 original color drawings by respected medical illustrator Joe Bloch as well as 500 crisply reproduced radiographic and MR images.   Demonstrates how to perform physical examinations for pain with videoclips on DVD of Dr. Waldman and his staff evaluating patients.


Steven D. Waldman, MD, JD, Director, Pain Consortium of Greater Kansas City, Leawood, KS, Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, MO


SECTION 1 The Cervical Spine  CHAPTER 1 Functional Anatomy of the Bony Cervical Spine  CHAPTER 2 Functional Anatomy of the Cervical Intervertebral Disc  CHAPTER 3 Nomenclature of the Diseased Cervical Disc  CHAPTER 4 Visual Inspection of the Cervical Spine  CHAPTER 5 Palpation of the Cervical Spine  CHAPTER 6 Physical Examination of the Cervical Spine: Range of Motion  CHAPTER 7 The Cervical Dermatomes  CHAPTER 8 The C5 Neurologic Level  CHAPTER 9 The C6 Neurologic Level  CHAPTER 10 The C7 Neurologic Level  CHAPTER 11 The C8 Neurologic Level  CHAPTER 12 The Spurling Test for Cervical Radiculopathy Secondar to Herniated Disc or Cervical Spondylosis  CHAPTER 13 The Axial Loading Test for Cervical Discogenic Disease  CHAPTER 14 The Hoffman Test for Cervical Myelopathy  CHAPTER 15 Painful Conditions Emanating from the Cervical SpineSECTION 2 The Shoulder  CHAPTER 16 Functional Anatomy of the Shoulder Joint  CHAPTER 17 Visual Inspection of the Shoulder  CHAPTER 18 Palpation of the Shoulder  CHAPTER 19 External Rotation of the Shoulder  CHAPTER 20 Internal Rotation of the Shoulder  CHAPTER 21 Crossed-Arm Adduction of the Shoulder……SECTION 3 The ElbowSECTION 4 The ForearmSECTION 5 The Wrist and handSECTION 6 The Chest Wall, Thorax and Thoracic SpineSECTION 7 The Lumbar SpineSECTION 8 The Abdominal Wall and pelvisSECTION 9 The HipSECTION 10 The KneeSECTION 11 The Ankle and FootIndex



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