解夢手冊 Pocket Guide to Drems

出版時間:2008-1  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd (2008年5月1日)  作者:本社 編  頁數(shù):256  


The world of dreams is a mysterious and fascinating place where the rules of reality do not apply In dreams we release our sub-cunsdous hopes and fears, our innermost desires and ambitions,in a cascade of images, .sounds, ideas and emotions which can manifest themselves in any number of different ways. Whether you dream of mundane, everyday things or weird and wonderful phenomena and supernatural beasts, your (]reams are entire]y personal and unique to you-a secret world to which only you have access. No other person has exactly your background, your emotions. or your experiences, so every dream is intimately"    connected with your own existence. This means that when interpreting your dreams, it is important to draw from your personal lift, and experiences, This book will show you how to do this.    In a series of themed chapters, A Pocket Guide ro Dreams explores the meaning of countless images, symbols and portents that occur regularly in people's dreams. Numerous colour photographs and illustrations are accompanied by detailed explanatory text providing the latest, most widely accepted interpretations of what these images mean.    Remember that a dream can unify the body, mind and spirit. It provides you with insight into yourself and a means for self-exploration. In understanding your &earns. you wiU have a better appreciation of your true self and will achieve a greater harmony in your life.


 1 The World of Dreams   Dream Categories   Dream Beliefs   Famous Dreamers and Dream Inspiration   The Great Dream  AnalystsThe Symbolism of Dreams 2 Dreaming of Home 3 Dream Journeys 4 Time and Space 5 Elemental Forces 6 Earthly Treasures 7 Dreams of Landscapes 8 Plants and Flowers 9 Animal Visitations 10 About Ourselves   11 Life and Death   12 Erotic Dreams   13 Love 14 Those Close To Us 15 Visionary Figures 16 Faith and Worship 17 Fables and Fantasies 18 Luck, Signs and Symbols 19 Food for Thought 20 Leisure Pursuits 21 The World of Work 22 Violence, Conflict and Retribution 23 A Positive Approach to DreamingRememberingYour Dreams and Keeping a Dream DiaryBanishing NightmaresSweet DreamsIndex



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  •   全英文版,原汁原味的解夢書籍,帶有異國情調(diào)
  •   全是彩色銅版紙,非常精美.內(nèi)容是全英文的,我看了一部份,覺得挺好的.
  •   國慶前夕收到的貨,還沒來得及細讀。圖文并茂,并且是銅版印刷,只可惜是PrintedinChina印刷效果稍差些,比起我以前買過的外文原版書!

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
