50種松糕制作方法 I Mix 50 Muffins

出版時間:2008-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 編  頁數(shù):118  


Cookies are always a treat - whether you need a quick chocolate fix in the form of a Chocolate Spread & Hazlenut Drop, or you are in the mood for something extra indulgent, such as a Tropical Fruit & Mascarpone Cream Cookie Sandwich, you will find something to please in this fabulous collection. The 5O recipes in this collection are all based on a basic cookie dough, using tasty and imaginative variations to create spectacular cookies you will want to make time and time asain. Beautifully photographed, this is the perfect book for serious cookie lovers!


IntroductionGooeyCrunchPartyFruityDouble the FunIndex



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