瑪麗蓮.夢露畫傳 Marilyn Monroe

出版時(shí)間:2008-01  出版社:Parragon Inc  作者:Not Available (NA)  頁數(shù):223  


During her brief career Marilyn appeared in several classic movies,winning acclaim from the public and critics alike,but despite all her outward success she did not find settled happiness in Hollywood,She frequently played the role of the attractive“dumb blonde”,but as an intenlligent,talented,and complex woman,it was a stereotype from which she would spend much of her life attempting to escape。she was also haunted by the specter of her unsettled childhood,which appeared to translate into restlessness throughout her life,and a series of failed marriages and pregnancies did nothing to shake off her insecurities。images of Marilyn Monroe is a superb collection of photographs that tells the story of Marilyn’s private and professional life,from her first steps in Hollywood,through her relationships with some of America’s most celebrated men,to her success as one of the movie industry’s most bankable stars,covering the highs and lows along the way。



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  •   書中的圖片都是黑白,這點(diǎn)兒很遺憾,而且本書可能是國處進(jìn)口的,全是英文,我只是看圖.本書只是收集了夢露的一小部分照片,一個(gè)從開始到結(jié)束的過程,還可以,不過沒有太多夢露的經(jīng)典圖片,書的質(zhì)量還是不錯(cuò)的,

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
