奶奶的最佳食譜 Grandma's Best Recies

出版時間:2007-9  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd (2007年9月1日)  作者:本社 編  頁數(shù):224  


In this wonderfully evocative book you will find all those old family favourite recipes from times past,together with some newer ones from the modern Grandma’S repertoire。Indulge yourself in the delicious traditional and more contemporary dishes that havebeen part of your life for as long as you can remember。This collection includes the classic roasts,delicious desserts and festive specialities that Grandma used to make,as well as their modern equivalents which have entered into our present—day eating patterns。Itfeatures much—loved recipes that have been brought back from holidays and give US warm memories of special people and places visited。They are all here:eomfort food recipes to remind US of childhood;growing-up food from when we started to experiment and travel;food to reminisce over when we remember special occasions。and recipes that hopefully you will want to pass on to your own grandchildren。


IntroductionChapter One:Grandma’s Comfort FoodChapter Two:Grandma’s TravelsChapter Three:Grandma’s Festive FareChapter Four:Grandma’s Just DessertsChapter Five:Grandma’s Baking DayIndex



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