Q&A Inventions 發(fā)明全知道

出版時(shí)間:2006-12  出版社:Parragon  作者:Spilsbury, Louise  頁(yè)數(shù):224  


You'll find the answers to hundreds of fascinating questionsdbout inventions inside this new children’S encyclopedia.    ·Over 3 40 fascinating questions and answers    ·Dates for keg inventions at a glance    ·Index of famous inventors    ·Over 2 00 photographs    ·More thQn 2 5 0 illustrationsJ cutawag diagrams an d cartoons


INVENTloNS  What iS an lnvention?  The Futu re of l nventionsFARMING  Plows  Tractors  Dai rv Machines  Crop Watering  Fa rm LI"1emICaISGM Foods  Preservincj Food  BUlLDING  Building Materials  Building Machines  Skyscrapers  Roads  Bridges  CanaIsENERGY  Wind and Water Power  Fossil Fuels  Steam Power。  Electricity  NUCIea r Power  Sola r Power  Natu ral Energy Sou rcesMANUFACTURlNG  Spinning and Weaving  Factory Products  Mass ProductionTRANSPOR IAI IUN  Buses and Trucks  Bikes  Ca rs  Trains  Boats  Ships  Balloons and Ai rships  Helicopters  Ai rplanesNAVIGATloN  NaviqationaI Aids  Rada r  Sona r  SatelIite NaviqationSPACE  Telescopes  ……WEAPONSMEDICINETIMEDAILY LIFE



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