愛上小餐點 A passion for... Tapas

出版時間:2006-1  出版社:Parragon  作者:Beer, Gunter (PHT)  頁數(shù):224  


You don't have to go to Spain to enjoy the carefree Spanish lifestvle. Let A Passion for Tapasintroduce you to Spain's unique topos culture. With 100 inspirational, lavishly photographed, easy-to-follow recipes, even the most inexperienced cook will be able to recreate the authentic flavors of Spain in their own home.You will jind recipes for all occasions within these pages--whether you want nibbles to enjoy with o glass or two of delicious Spanish wine or dishes to feed o whole crowd jor on informal topos party. Relaxed, casual entertaining has never been easier.


IntroductionVegetables Nuts & OlivesMeat & PoultryFish & SeafoodEggs & CheeseBreadIndex



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