出版時(shí)間:2007-1 出版社:Parragon 作者:Hill, Duncan 頁(yè)數(shù):254
"l'he rise of Rome, from provincial settLement to imperial power,is an epic story that reads like fiction rather than fact. Fable does indeed pLay a part: RomuLus is said to have slain his twin brother Remus and founded the future city-state, both infants having survived abandonment on the banks of the Tiber thanks to the nurturing miLk of a she-woLf.When myth is stripped away, what remains is hardly Less extraordinary. Ancient Rome traces alL facets of one of the world's greatest civiLizations, from the Legends surrounding Rome's foundation to the strife that precipitated the Empire's collapse. It describes a remarkable imperiaL power that Left an indeLibLe mark on the Lands it occupied. The face of Europe today would be radically different were it not for the rich culturaL, technoLogicaL, linguistic, and administrative Legacy bequeathed it by the Romans.
IntroductionThe Roots of Rome Origins Roman Monarchy The Etruscan CivilizationRoman Republic Governing Rome Patricians and Plebs A Roman Villa Hypocausts Wars of Expansion The Roman Army The Punic Wars Hannibal Romans in Africa Conquest of Greece Alexander of Macedonia Medicine The Late Republic Rural LifeThe First Triumvirate Germany under the Romans The Invasion of Gaul Apollo Roman Gaul SlavesDeath of the Republic Twilight of the Republic Board Games Julius Caesar: Dictator tor Life Measuring Time Antony and Octavian Food and DrinkJulio-Claudian Emperors Augustus Ostia Tiberius Caligula Family Life Death Rites Claudius Invasion of Britain Hadrian's Wall Roman Britain Nero Great Fire of Rome The Baths69AD: TheYear of Four EmDerors The Roman Forum Chariot Races Judea……